selected works
Tit Brecelj - Izrezanci
Ewan Steel - Collapsed form I, Developing form II
Bogdan Soban - Apollo, Etna, Tsunami, Twins
Miriam Tagliati - Senza titolo 1–4
Caitlin Masley - Two Towers, City 4ever, Airport 2 fortress, Frenchone
Šejma Prodanović, Milica Rakić - Visual Poetry
Brigitta Boedentauer - Can I have 2 Minutes of Your Time?
George Drivas - Out Of Synch
Georg Holzmann - nogo0.2 (performans)
Joost Nieuwenburg - Drunken Sailor
BridA - Modux
Tsui Shan Tsang - All about my Ho Chung
Axel Vogelsang - Partial Eclipse
Klemen Gorup - Sketch Book
Frank-Rainer Vollbrecht - Blaze 4
Denis Tomasini - Postindustrial DTR 1, 3
Balázs Kovács - Three Minutes and Six Seconds
Deadline for works submission was September 15th 2005. Below you can see the list of works that have been received.

XLS list of received works
Works that will be chosen by the curator will be available on this page.
The Selection Criteria
The projects will not be evaluated between ganres but rather within each genre and software framework separately. Yet each entry will have to meet the basic quality of technical relevance and visual creativity.
In assessing the works presented the following criteria will be applied:
According to the artistic quality:
-connection of the aesthetics to the topic represented,
-usage of adopted software,
-graphic creativity,
-high quality and originality of end-product.
According to interaction and responsiveness:
-effect in the real world,
-role of the user,
-responsibility implied by the interaction,
-artisic quality of the presentation or installation.
According to the dynamics:
-concept’s inventiveness,
-poetics of animation,
-originality of usage of the adopted software.
According to the sound quality:
-spatial dimension of the sound (soundscape),
-graphic basis,
-technical and contents inventions,
According to its futuristic aspect:
-connection to actually anticipated opportunities,
-inventiveness of the anticipation of a futuristic project,
-structuring of a futuristic project.
According to practical applications:
-artistic originality,
-authenticity of the representation,
-dynamics of representation and animation,
-complexity of the project presented.