Swarm Entry

The responsive installation Swarm Entry by Vid Koprivšek connects the exhibition space and the simulation environment into an expanded interactive site stretching out between the virtual and the physical.
The networked logic of the setup entangles plastic objects with de-centred screens, between which a swarm of biomorph virtual agents is moving. The simulation of collective motion, which stems from the context of special effects and video games, animates the sculptural interfaces, and the installation also features a real-time responsive component that translates the conditions in the physical space into what happens in the simulated environment – which in turn affects the movement in the exhibition space. Swarm Entry thereby creates a situation where sculptures and technological objects intervene performatively into each other’s logic and unity. Situated at the intersection of the physical and the digital environment, it bypasses the established interfaces in art and videogames, as interaction becomes collective, emergent and part of a continuous process of becoming and disintegrating.