Olivera Batajić Sretenović, Allan Siegel,
Rene Rusjan, Blaž Kosovel

Mapping Borders

“Mapping Borders” is an eight-day continuous intensive workshop that is based on the “Mapping the Local” workshops legacy realized within the ADRIART.CE (CEEPUS; www.adriart.net/ce) network every year since 2015, in and among Budapest, Belgrade, Nova Gorica, and elsewhere. Participants will be invited to map the local links and phenomena through different artistic media, posing questions and finding answers provoked by something they notice as specificum around and inside them, while drifting through the twin towns, and across all kinds of borders – national, cultural, social, technical, aesthetic, etc.

Borders should thus be questioned as political, emotional, mental, electromagnetic, or other phenomena. The workshop consists of several stages and work is done in groups of students and possible non-academic participants from different countries. An introduction to the urban twin town tissue of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy) will be delivered by a professional guide, and by questioning the overall borders, students will drift along, exploring and (re)mapping the urban tissue. Besides roaming the open space and interacting with streets, people, buildings, and information structures, each day a moderated discussion will gradually build the structure of ideas and creative, artistic actions. These might end up as media material, artistic pieces, theoretical data sets, or mere interventions in analog or digital space, presented and reflected on the last day and shared with the festival audience of the Pixxelpoint festival.

The process and the results of the workshop will be documented and published on Instagram with the hashtags #mtlborders, #mtlnovagorica #mtlpixxelpoint #mapinggg #Go2025 #GOBORDERLESS2025, and in the annual online book publication of all MTL workshops, as similar processes will be held this year also in Belgrade and Budapest.
