ronnie s
video (handling)
Norway, 2013-2014
ronnie s made a video essay during his 2nd year MA studies at the art academy in Bergen.
Insisting during the course the video was not an art work the school accepted the video as an essay (ask ronnie for a copy).
As his final work during the group exhibition in the Bergen Kunsthall he installed outside the premises his private doorbell with a handwritten note: your art is not working ronnie s.
ronnie s (Enschede 1961) - purpose developer
education: AKI (1979 - 1984) - KHIB (2012 - 2014)
lives and works in Natland Bergen Norway
awards 2014: VISP artist of the month April - etableringstipend 2014 Bergen Kommune.
he has no URL to think of.